Recession Leads To Rise in Uncollected Child Support


How are we going to financially support the children as two households? What is my monthly child support obligation? Is child support tax deductible? Couples in Georgia and across the nation should be informed of the answers to these questions when determining child support in the divorce process. When parents are unable to meet their obligations, they may consider modifying their child support order.

Officials in some states have observed a decrease in child support payments in recent years. This observation stems from federal figures estimating that the amount of uncollected child support obligations now exceeds $450 million. A lot of experts peg the reason for the rise in uncollected child support payments to the nation's recent recession.

When parents are unable to meet their child support payments due to changed circumstances, they have the opportunity to seek modifying their child support agreement. In Georgia, parents may apply for a modification for numerous reasons, including job loss, unexpected medical expenses, income changes for either parent or increases in the child's expenses.

To change the child support obligations, both parents must come to an agreement or obtain an order from a judge increasing or decreasing the obligation. In seeking a modification, it is in the best interests of the child for the paying parent to move quickly. Parents seeking a modification should keep any documents proving that circumstances have changed since a court has entered the child support agreement.

One other important thing to remember is that regardless of what may be claimed, the most important factor in any child support decision is going to be whatever is deemed to be in the child's best interest. Making the best case possible for one's position for change is something that is best done with the help of an experienced attorney.

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