Child Custody and Parenting Coordination


Parents in a heated divorce battle here in Georgia often find it difficult to manage their child's care. The ensuing child custody battle also presents unique issues, making it difficult at times to put the child's best interests first. One emerging niche that is gaining headway is parenting coordination, which assists parents who are going through difficult times to manage how they coordinate the care of their child.

But this line of work also comes with its own set of misconceptions and myths. A recent article sought to dispel the confusion and hopefully explain what parenting coordination is. The article explained that parenting coordination grew from the need for co-parents to resolve their disputes outside of the courts. This service saves families the additional emotional and financial costs that are often involved in litigation.

The first myth about parenting coordination is that the coordinator makes all the decisions for the parents. The truth is that the scope of the coordinator's authority is governed by statute. Also, the coordinator can only make decisions on behalf of the parents when the parents are unable to come to a compromise.

The second myth is that coordinators are parasitic professionals who are only seeking financial gain from the family's struggle. While the coordinator may charge a fee, the amount is reasonable and cheaper than having to go through litigation. The coordinator will also allow parents to maintain some control over their decisions in certain matters.

Parenting coordinators are not therapists. Their mandate is to help create child-focused alternative dispute resolution, assisting parents in the process and making limited decisions only within the scope of the court's power. Finally, the coordinators do not have to be with the parents forever. While they intend to build lasting relationships with clients, they are not by any means permanently dedicated to working for them and running their lives.

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