Financial Threats When Dividing Property Can Snarl Divorce


Financial matters are one of the reasons why marriages end in divorce. An uncontested divorce is possible; however, in Georgia, Georgia, it can be difficult because divorce means dividing the family finances between the couple. The divorcing couple may opt to divide their assets fairly and part ways peacefully, but that is easier said than done.

Divorce is an emotional process that can get bumpy as it progresses. Either of the divorcees may feel so betrayed by the other that he or she may use financial threats in order to retaliate. Threats can make a spouse feel afraid and be more vulnerable to making bad financial decisions.

If there is a possibility that a spouse may cause bodily harm or injury during contentious negotiations, it is important to seek help immediately. A spouse should also make note of threats when they happen. Making a list helps identify whether financial threats, such as hiding assets, are true. It also can help a person determine if a pattern of behavior exists and how to easily predict and cope with such behavior.

A better understanding of marital and separate properties can help one spouse if the other is uncooperative while settling property division. Intimidation can cause the spouse that does not know his or her rights to have a divided focus about his or her divorce concerns. Moreover, without knowing the family's finances, it will be easier for the other spouse to get away with an unfair settlement.

A spouse should also identify which threats are only rants. Divorce elicits strong emotions, which at times can result in bad behavior. Responding negatively may escalate the dispute and prolong the divorce process.

Property division is essential to the financial future of each divorcing spouse. If problems arise because of asset division, such as escalating cases of financial threats, it is important to maintain a cool head and have sound judgment. If help is needed, divorcees may seek the help of a family law attorney for an unbiased and objective legal opinion.

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