Emotions Tensions May Be High During Divorce


On behalf of The Herrin Law Firm, P.C. posted in High-Asset Divorce on Monday, April 29, 2013.

Divorces may be one of the most emotional times in a person's life. In some states, such as Georgia, divorcing spouses are allowed to explain why they want a divorce, emotions may run even higher. While sifting through financial statements and discussing who gets the living room couch, it is important for divorcing couples to keep their cool during contentious times.

Attorneys often advise their clients to try to keep their emotions down in the courtroom. This is because divorcing individuals may be emotional during the divorce process; this often leads to divorcing individuals being short-tempered and uncooperative. It is natural to feel that an individual's life is turning upside down in a divorce. However, this may make it difficult for a divorcing individual's attorney to explain the different family law issues involved in a case. While divorce may be one of the most upsetting times in a person's life, it is important to recognize how a divorcing individual's emotions impact others around them, such as the couple's children, attorneys and family law judge.

In Georgia, residents may give a reason for dissolving the marriage before divorcing couples are able to obtain a divorce; this is called fault-based divorce. Some justifiable reasons may include adultery, cruel treatment and willful abandonment of one party for at least a year. This differs from no-fault divorce states, which does not require either party to prove fault of the other spouse. In a fault divorce, the spouse that is without fault is often given a larger amount of marital property or spousal support. Georgia also allows no-fault divorces.

Divorce involves many emotions, from excitement to frustrations. However, couples should try to work together to resolve their issues so that they may look toward new beginnings and a fresh start.

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